SupaMoto is focused on Impact.

SupaMoto has an impact on many of the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 3 Good Health and Well Being: SupaMoto’s Clean Cooking Solution is so clean it allows you to cook inside without any threat to your health. Cooking can be done safely in the midst of your family at home. SupaMoto reduces the threat of abuse that women and children suffer when collecting firewood away from the safety of home.

SDG 5 Gender equality: With SupaMoto’s Clean Cooking Solution, Woman and Girls save time on gathering firewood and on cooking time. They can accomplish their household chores faster and use the time saved to study, focus on their children and productive activities. This empowers them. Solar Lighting improves this even more by extending the time that can be used for studying. SupaMoto also trains women to become agents of change – to become entrepreneurs in their village or compound and help other women access clean energy.

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy: By offering Clean Energy on affordable payment plans, SupaMoto enables men and women to transform their households and businesses, with Clean Cooking and high-quality long-lasting Solar Products.

SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth: SupaMoto has created 65+ full time jobs and a network of 200+ independent Agent-entrepreneurs. SupaMoto offers training in all our products as well as Mobile Money and Basic Finance and Entrepreneurship. Go here to apply to become a SupaMoto agent in your area.

SDG 13 Climate Action: SupaMoto is reducing carbon dioxide emissions by decreasing the production of charcoal. Charcoal production leads to deforestation, which has a huge impact on the Climate and on Rain Patterns.

SDG 15 Life on Land: SupaMoto’s Clean Cooking helps preserve the Forests of Zambia, which are a big source of protein (caterpillars) and food (fruits, nuts and mushrooms) as well as medicinal plants and bark. The forests equally preserve the Water systems, Birdlife and Wildlife. They are a source of Beauty and Wonder.